How Investing in Design + Marketing Helps You do More Good in the World

If you’re marketing a small to medium non-profit organization, you’re probably operating on a shoe-string budget. You’re focussing your limited time and resources on programs and activities that’ll help your organization achieve its mission, right?

You know you need to market your events and programs, but the last thing you want is for donors to think you’re spending too much money on marketing. So, what do you do? You rely on free or budget-friendly tools and/or inexperienced designers to create your branding and marketing materials.


I get why you might think this way. You’re completely caught up in the Overhead Myth, the belief that organizations that keep operational costs low are more effective at accomplishing their goals. The problem is that the Overhead Myth is wrong.

I’m not suggesting that you throw caution to the wind and start spending funds on unnecessary and frivolous expenditures. I am saying, however, that you and your organization would do better to listen to your for-profit counterparts who claim that “you’ve got to spend money to make money” or, in a non-profit’s case, “you’ve got to spend money to reach your audience, build influence and grow your community.”


The truth is that minimizing marketing dollars more often than not leads to

  • disjointed messaging (visual and otherwise)  

  • wonky websites that are difficult and expensive to update

  • slow organizational growth

  • difficulties generating donations or event/program ticket sales

If it’s true that skimping on design and marketing can hurt a nonprofit, it makes sense then that doing the opposite can help a nonprofit meet its goals. How, exactly, you ask?


A strong, well-designed visual brand that effectively tells your organization’s story can:

  • garner attention – great design cuts through the clutter

  • make people remember your non profit – strong visuals are memorable

  • connect with your audience – compelling design evokes emotions

  • instill trust – well-designed materials communicate professionalism

  • clearly communicate important information – strong layout and design gets your most important ideas across quickly

Getting your audience to see, remember, trust, connect with and understand your organization helps them believe in and support your mission. Which helps you do more of the good work you do for people and the planet. 


Several years ago, my former business partners and I rebranded a small, local non-profit that raises money to enhance the public schools in the community. For the most part, they’d consisted of a small group of volunteers who put on one annual event, the Taste of Basalt. We developed a completely new identity for the group and then rebranded their event.

The very next year, the Taste of Basalt doubled its sponsorship income and raised twice as much money overall! The profile of the event was significantly raised, and it has more than sold out every year since then.

Admittedly, the organization did additional work to grow (adding board members, trainings to improve the functioning of the board, etc.). But board members are quick to credit the more professional look of the organization’s materials combined with the more striking event design, too.

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Kimi Mischke

I help clients who do good work for people and the planet succeed in their missions by designing branding and marketing materials (print and web) that clearly communicate who they are and what they stand for so they can connect with their audiences and make a bigger impact on the world.

I founded Brave & Co in 2016 after over a decade in design. I’m driven by both my passion for powerful visual storytelling and a desire to contribute positively to the world by working with non-profit organizations and mission-driven businesses

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